Good Lake Impoundment - Project 67

Project Info/ Location

RLWD has not operated the Good Lake Impoundment since a special land permit expired and was not renewed on July 12, 2018. The project area lies entirely within the Red Lake Indian Reservation. The site is approximately 30 miles to the east of Thief River Falls, MN, in Beltrami and Clearwater Counties. The drainage area above the dam is 82 square miles.

Design Considerations

The Good Lake Impoundment Project 67 is designed as a multi-purpose project to provide wetland wildlife habitat, flood water retention, and a potential supply of water for irrigation.

Fish and Wildlife:  Enhanced wetland habitat for waterfow, furbearers, and other wetland species. The reservior can also provide an environment for the seasonal rearing of northern pike.

Flood Control:  The project will reduce flood peaks on both the Red Lake River and the Red river of the North. The dam will store runoff from the 73 square mile drainage area. Spring storage capacity is 11,300 acre-feet and is equal to 2.6 inches of runoff from the drainage area. The project will also reduce flooding on approximately 4,000 acres of private land immediately west of the project, by intercepting overland flow.

Water Supply:  The reservoir may be used as a water source for irrigation of wildrice paddies. Paddies have not been built, but there is potential for paddy development in adjacent areas.

Project Components

Gated Outlet Structure

The project design consists of 9 miles of earthen embankment, 7.5 miles of inlet channels, a reinforced concrete outlet structure, and 2 miles of outlet channel. The project was completed and operational in 1996. The total cost at that time was approximately $2,129,000, with funding and in-kind contributions provided by:

  • Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
  • Red Lake Watershed District
  • Red River Watershed Management Board
  • State of Minnesota

Functional Design Data

Top of Dam 1178.5 (ft. msl) 27,500 (acre-ft.)
Flood Pool (Emer. Spillway) 1176.1 (ft. msl) 13,100 (acre-ft.)
Normal Summer Pool 1173.0 (ft. msl) 3,250 (acre-ft.)
Normal Winter Pool 1172.0 (ft. msl) 1,800 (acre-ft.)
Drainage Area 73 Sq. Mi. --